You went out for the night and got caught drinking and driving. You have been arrested and released with a driving while intoxicated. So, now what should you do?
Here are the first steps that you need to take after being released for a DWI.
- First you need to hire a lawyer. You want a lawyer who is specialized in DWI cases to help you through this whole process. It is important that you don’t miss a single step or you will be more likely to serve time. A great lawyer is worth it because they are skilled at what they do and will ensure that you have a favorable outcome (or as best as you can expect)!
- Then, you need a chemical dependency evaluation. A chemical dependency evaluation, required by the court system, is used to determine whether or not you have a dependency on drugs or alcohol. The agency who runs the test will talk to you about your past use of drugs and alcohol, if you have ever been treated for dependency on drugs and alcohol, and if you have ever had any trouble with the law. The information from your arrest will also go into consideration. You may need to submit an urine sample.
- You must follow the recommendations from your chemical dependency evaluation. When your assessment is done, you will get a written copy. In it, you will see your results and diagnosis. If there is any sign of abuse or dependence, you may have to go to an Alcohol Drug Information School or a DUI Victim Impact Panel. Just make sure that you do whatever is required of you as soon as you can.
- You will have to attend a Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Impact Panel. The goal at the panel is to prevent repeat DWI offenders. They do this by holding conferences where you can learn how many people are affected by drunk drivers. You are going to hear from family members who have lost people that they love because of someone’s bad decisions. You may also hear from people who are seriously injured due to drunk drivers.
- If you are allowed to drive, you will need an Ignition Interlock. This is a device that prevents your car from starting if you are drinking. You have to breathe into it like a breathalyzer before you get behind the wheel of your car. Once you take the test, your vehicle will start as long as you haven’t had anything to drink. If you have been drinking, you will have to take the test again before your car will start.
- You must remember that if you have an Ignition Interlock, the results will be stored and given to the court. If you are continuing to drink and try to get behind the wheel, the courts are going to find out. For this reason, you need to get your drinking under control.
- If your alcohol limit was .16 or more, you are going to have to pay unconditional bail. Though many DWI offenders are let go without having to pay bail, if you have a high blood alcohol limit, you are going to have to pay bail. By paying bail, you are released from jail with only one condition. You must show up in court when you are needed.
Getting a DWI arrest can be devastating. However, a good lawyer will help you through the steps to ensure that you don’t spend any time in jail. You are going to need to get a chemical dependency evaluation, as well attend a MADD impact panel. If you don’t lose your license, you are going to have to breathe into an Ignition Interlock in order to start your car. Then, don’t forget about bail. Those who have high blood alcohol levels often have to pay bail, even though a DWI offender doesn’t always need to worry about bail.
Contact us for all of your legal needs.